For many of us, adding a real or artificial wreath to our front doors is an essential part of the Christmas decorating tradition. Recently lots of people have embraced the trend for adding an artificial wreath to their front doors all year round. Decorating your front door is an easy, yet beautiful way to create a warm welcome to guests visiting your home. 

Summer might still be with us for a few more weeks, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t start planning for autumn! If you would like to add an artificial wreath to your home in time for autumn, then read on as Julie shares her top tips for creating the perfect faux floral display! 

Plan your artificial wreath in advance

Before you start adding flowers and foliage to your chosen artificial wreath, plan your colour scheme and design. Do you want your wreath to reflect the season with a traditional colour palette? Or do you want to add a more modern spin to your wreath? 

Also think about how full you would like your artificial wreath to look. Do you want to be able to see some of the basic structure of your wreath? Or are you planning on covering it entirely with artificial flowers, foliage and berries? 

To help you work out how many stems you will need, we recommend laying your flowers and foliage on top of your wreath first. This will give you an idea of how your finished wreath will look as well. And help you to decide if you need to add more or less to it.


Invest in a pair of wire cutters

If you don’t already own a pair, we recommend investing in a pair of wire cutters to cut your stems. Trimming the stems of your greenery and flowers will make it easier to add them to your wreath when it comes time to decorate. Simply push the shortened stem straight into your wreath and it will stay in place on its own.


Add one type of foliage at a time

Organise your stems into groups and start by adding any leaves or greenery first. Then add your flowers before finishing withyour chosen berries (if using). Adding each type of stem individually will help your artificial wreath to look fuller and more even. 


And add your stems by colour 

As well as organising your stems by type, it is also a good idea to arrange them by colour. This will help to ensure your finished wreath design looks more even and professional. You might also decide that you don’t need to add as many different colours as you initially think you do. 

Start adding foliage to your artificial wreath from the outside

You will instantly make yourwreath look much fuller if you start by adding your foliage to the outside edge. When the outside has been covered you can then work in towards the centre. Keeping add foliage until you are happy with the coverage. 

Finish your autumn wreath by adding flowers and berries

After you have added all of your chosen greenery, add your flowers in colour order before finishing with your berries. Your artificial wreath is then ready to hang up on your front door for everyone to see and enjoy. 

Enjoy your beautiful artificial wreath all year round

We hope you have found our top autumn wreath making tips helpful! Choosing an artificial wreath over a fresh one is also a cost effective way of decorating your door all year round. When autumn is over (or if you simply fancy a change) you can simply remove all of the foliage from your wreath and re-decorate it as many times as you like! 

Don’t forget to purchase our Peony dust bags alongside your wreath to ensure your Peony stems remain safe and dust free all year round. 

Finally, we would love to see your finished artificial wreath on your front door, so please feel free to share your photographs and tag in Peony Faux Flowers on your social media channels. 

August 09, 2023 — Julie Bates

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