Medium Rose and Foliage Bouquet


A pretty bouquet of different breeds of pastel pink roses at their different stages of growth.  The foliage adds the pale green fullness to the bouquet cascading with a hint of pink of the tips of the leaves.  The freshness of the green patrina berries makes a stunning display.

This item is made to order. Please check our shipping policy below regarding delivery times.

Approximate Dimensions:

Height: 68.0cm

Width: 40.0cm

Depth: 33.0cm

Shipping Policy

Many of our items are ready to be despatched straight away. *However some of our items are made to order and may take 7- 10 days to despatch. Please do check the descriptions for our made to order items and take note of the shipping time at checkout.

- We offer free UK delivery on all orders over £70.
- All orders will be despatched within 5 days.*
- Any delivery costs will be calculated at checkout.

For more information on our shipping policy and international deliveries, please view our Shipping Policy Here

Returns Policy

We are confident that you will love your faux flowers from Peony. However, if you are not completely happy, we offer a refund or exchange within 14 days of your delivery

View our Returns Policy Here

Product Code: PF2104529